Big Data-Driven, “smart reservoir” management:Timeline

Timeline incorporates multi-source, and multi-resolution data and interpretations, utilizes various machine-learning algorithms, based on which to build high fidelity simulation models calibrated by production data and all dynamic tests/measurements available. It offers a systematic tool and workflow for “Data + Physics” modeling and continuous model improvements to make accurate forecasts and development plan decisions at real time.

Coring, well logging, and seismic data interpretations
Well schedule, PTA and PLA tests, production history, etc.
Exisiting models, geological and engineering knowledge

Spatial-temporal  data platform covering complete geoengineering timeline from individual well to entire reservoir 
Machine-learning algorithms for implicit correlation quantification, target predication and decision making
Log resolution scale model construction
Efficient, data-driven simulation for large and complex models with over multi-million cells
Smart and continuous model updates via deep-learning algorithms
Accurate quantification of residual oil/gas distribution calibrated by multi-source surveillance data
Real-time optimization on well schedule and development plans

We will provide you with high quality solutions and services

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